The Secret Sauce That Will Boost Your Marketing Efforts

In this episode Pat Altvater shares the secret sauce that will boost your marketing efforts – and it doesn’t require any cooking!
Visit Pat’s website at AFP Marketing.


Meet Digital Media Strategiest, Pat Altvater

Pat AltvaterPat Altvater a digital media strategist and owner of AFP Marketing Group, specializes in helping her clients create effective marketing plans and easy to implement tactics so they can serve more people and have a greater impact.
Her company works with their clients to not only plan, but execute marketing tactics. They create “evergreen assets” like videos, podcasts, magazines articles for their clients. Those assets are created once and used over and over. When you are ready to use digital media, such as video, digital magazines or podcasting to grow your business, the team at AFP Marketing Group can help you create something that authentically showcases your expertise while attracting your perfect client.

Pat is also the creator of the Ultimate Follow-Up Sequence™ to help speakers get more clients from speaking engagements that are used to market their business. Learn more at

Pat is the author of Choose Success – Ignite the Power Within. She has been featured as an expert on Fox TV News and has been quoted in numerous newspaper and magazine stories. Her article “I Want It NOW!” was published in the September 2010 Nashville Parent Magazine.