Soar to Success February 2020

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article them into a strong growth cycle that continues today, with twelve locations and additional growth imminent. That seven-year journey derived from that singular turning point and awareness at a John Maxwell conference, made all the difference. Another key decision, made at the time, was to engage Tanya McCaffrey, President of the CFO Group. She helped organize the financials and create a sustainable growth strategy that wouldn’t drain cash reserves, but still add profitability. Learning these business principles at a relatively young age has helped create a stable working environment in their restaurants. They are continuing to pass on their skills through employee workshops and retreats to keep all employees feeling valued, in the loop and productive. Family is the Economic Engine Kay and Shila told us, “You have to have an economic engine to power your life. Family can be that engine, but if it is, you must nurture those connections.” To assure there was always a separation between business and family, the girls developed a hand slap signal that allows them to have heated discussions and maintain their close bond. After the arguing is done, the hand slap expresses that they still love each other as sisters and are ready to move on.