Soar to Success February 2020

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Feature Article As the girls matured, the family opened more restaurants. “We owned one restaurant, then two, then three and four. We began to feel like, ‘Hey, we’re pretty good at this restaurant owning thing.’ So, we started to franchise and quickly learned that franchising is a totally new process. It’s not just copy and paste. It’s a whole new system.” What they thought would be a six-month process took over two years to finalize. Just because you can run a couple of successful small restaurants doesn’t mean someone else can take your process and be successful. “You had to know how to run a system inside a single operation. A system had to be written to get the eggs to the location, another on proper serving technique and how to properly grind the coffee. Plus, these individual systems had to be the same all across the country.“ skills. Kay, now Vice President of Squeeze In, was mentored in operations and marketing, and together they form a formidable team.