Soar to Success February 2020

H ave you ever experienced stress? You may know the symptoms and that you should do something about it, but time and resources may not be best for a massage or meditation. My Supportive Therapy Engagement Program or STEP gives you ways to learn quick tips that are effective for yourself and others. We have all had stress in our life and probably felt some of the symptoms like muscle tension, headache or nausea. You also Supportive Therapy Engagement Program or STEP for Stress Relief By Debra Reis, RN, MSN, NP probablyknowthatmost illnessesor conditions have a stress component. Unfortunately, when we get overwhelmed, our self-care activities are the first to be let go. These activities can be helpful during stressful times. However, there are other priorities and just not enough time to focus on self-care. I started to explore and learn supportive therapies. I found that they gave me more balance in my life. I used these modalities with patients and Stress relief self- care can be done quickly and with positive benefits!