Soar to Success February 2020

We live in a in an extremely visual culture. In fact, 80% of people remember what they see, compared to ten percent what they hear and twenty percent of what they read. Your image matters because YOU are your own personal brand. Knowingly or unknowingly you project a persona – your personal brand. Regardless of your profession, business, or status, your image speaks volumes before you ever say a word. For example, when we see someone in a uniform, ora labcoat,wenaturallydrawconclusions What Does Your Visual Presence Say About You? based on our own values and perceptions about the person in that uniform. Your visual presence is vital to your personal brand. A professional presence is defined as the ability to project a sense of ease, trust, poise, or self-assurance, especially the quality or manner of a person’s bearing, before an audience. In other words, are you influencing, standing out or inspiring those around you? Whether that audience is one By Lynnette Begue-Lavery