Soar to Success February 2020

I n order to maximize your effectiveness as a business owner or leader of an organization, you’ve got to be at the top of your game. Everything needs to be in sync a majority of the time. You might be thinking – I AM at the top of my game: my business is going well, I’ve got things under control, and we are hitting all of our targets! If so, that’s great! But are you really as effective as you possibly could be? I challenge you to take a look at six different areas of your life (jot down each of these on a separate piece of paper): Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Relational and Self. For each of these categories – think about (and document) what is going really well. Where are your successes? Next, what gaps do you see in each area – from where you are now to where you’d like to be? Identify each of those gaps and document them on the paper. Are You At The Top Of Your Game? By Megan Patton