Soar to Success February 2020

So that’s the why, but exactly HOW do you ask? Here are four tips to get you started: 1. Ask at an appropriate time and place. The best way to figure out what that is is to schedule a meeting with the person and give them the reason you want to meet with them. By giving them some time to think about their responses, you’ll get much better quality feedback. 2. Put together an agenda and document the feedback. By asking for the specific feedback you are looking for, you’ll make it easier on the other person to share their input. Keep it simple and straight-forward. Take notes during the meeting and don’t forget to thank them for their time. 3. Act on the information received. If you’re not going to take the initiative and apply at least some of the feedback received, your chances of being able to ask that person are dramatically reduced. Implement the changes and share your results with the person who suggested your actions. SOAR TO SUCCESS / Business Acceleration Strategies 4. Get feedback regularly. When you make feedback an ongoing process, you’ll be able to make adjustments as they are needed. You’ll also develop a reciprocal relationship with the person giving the feedback and you may be able to help each other. Asking for feedback is a powerful approach to your self-development. Start the process by asking someone for feedback so you can show how it’s done. Then, let other people try it. When you create a safe environment for giving feedback, you’ll inspire your team and increase overall engagement.