Soar to Success February 2020

S ix of the scariest words in business might be when a colleague asks, “Can I give you some feedback?” Face it, employees want feedback, but getting unsolicited feedback is seldom a welcomed event. By teaching your employees to ask for feedback – and specifically HOWtoask for feedback–you’ll giveyour team the opportunity to get the help and support they need. Here are three reasons to encourage people to ask for feedback: • It builds reciprocity. When you ask for feedback, itmakes it easier for theother Asking for Feedback Elevates Engagement By Lisa Ryan person to ask for feedback in return. Both parties now have an opportunity to create a partnership and even develop a friendship in the process. • It sets the ground rules. The requester canset theparametersof thediscussion and learn exactly what they need to know without activating the fight or flight response. • It builds confidence. When employees are empowered to ask for the specific feedback theywant, it helps themgrow, both personally and professionally.