Soar to Success February 2020

By Jack Klemeyer W hen a leader isn’t or won’t lead, the people begin to drift. When there is no leader directing the team, running a department, leading an organization or heading a family, then the following results are inevitable: • Production is reduced – Good leaders are creative and find ways to help others in their charge to become productive. A good leader sees each individual differently and treats them appropriately. If the same incentive, challenge, encouragement worked for every person in every situation, then you might not need leaders. • Conflicts areextended– Oneof a leaders most vital roles is to resolve conflict. Without that clear leader, conflict lasts longer and always inflicts more damage. Leaders must always be ready to do what is necessary to help people resolve their conflicts. • Morale becomes low – You could define morale as faith in the leader. When the leader doesn’t show, the people lose faith and morale plummets. • Decisions are delayed – Typically a good leader makes decisions in a timely Leadership: When Leaders Don’ t or Aren’ t Leading