Soar to Success April 2020

A final thought from Denis, “The “Law of Attraction” demands that you give your best because you can’t keep it. You must give more in value than you receive in payment. To receive, you must give. The person you need, to reach your goal, will be attracted to you, because you’re giving value without a condition placed on it. That’s one of the greatest secrets of becoming truly wealthy and truly successful.” I thoroughly enjoyed my podcast interview with Denis and highly encourage you to listen to it on Spreaker; there is so much fantastic information that we didn’t have room to include in this article. Also, learn more about the movie How Thoughts Become Things here and watch the trailer below. 3 Traits That Guarantee Success 2 3 When Soar to Success asked Denis what three personality traits he found in most successful people, he said they: 1 Know that you DESERVE to win: “I’m as good as the best, not necessarily better than the rest.” Take a look in the mirror and say, I deserve to be as successful and happy as anyone else. Success is not the gifted birth or the way you look or your ethnicity or religion or positive parenting. Winners deserve to win and advance by believing they’re worthy of success. Have the DISCIPLINE to carry on: A goal is a dream with a deadline. The word discipline is from disciple, and disciple means somebody you learn from. And we learn by observation, imitation and repetition. I believe the successful person must develop the discipline to learn, read, say and do a positive thing every day to achieve their goals. Have the DESIRE to win: Find what it is that you enjoy and are good at. Dig down and find your passion no matter what age you are. For me, I like to write, I love to talk, plus I have a passion to share the knowledge and information I have accumulated over the years.