Soar to Success April 2020
SOAR TO SUCCESS / Core Business Strategies understand what she had done, and even more time to work with the key employees to keep them on the team. We were able to work with management to resolve the situation and were very transparent with the employees about the specific resolution, but it will take some time to rebuild the trust the employees once had in the organization. On the other hand, when a leader openly admits their mistakes, apologizes when necessary and encourages others to do the same, the organization actually becomes stronger. When mistakes are admitted quickly, corrective measures begin sooner, which usually minimizes the impact of that mistake. People won’t be working in an environment of fear, they will know that if they own their mistakes, they will be allowed the space to take corrective action and actually learn some valuable lessons. If they see their leader owning their mistakes, it opens the door for everyone to be honest. This is one of the best ways to build trust in an organization. Be vulnerable, admit it when you are wrong. Figure out how to make things right or ask help from others to help make it right. It is really not that hard to just say, “I’m sorry.” They could be the most powerful two words you ever utter as a leader. I’m sorry could be the most powerful two words you ever utter as a leader.
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