Soar to Success April 2020

T he US is Gradually Setting Up More and More Restrictions as Cases Continue to Rise. Now’s The Time To Embrace RemoteWork to Keep You and Your Staff Safe. TheDepartmentofHomelandSecurityhasplenty of recommendations for how to prepare for the coronavirus pandemic - but they’re all relating to personal health and safety. This is incredibly important, but what about your business? How do you continue to operate while ensuring social distancing amongst your team? For most, it’s time to tell their staff to work from home. This is key to limiting the spread, and in turn, keeping our country as safe as possible. By Jeanne DeWitt Can Your Staff Work Remotely During the Coronavirus Pandemic? Nobody should be forced to come into work and risk their own health or anyone else’s health. The best option? Have your staff work remotely. Do you know what that entails? The Top 3 Considerations for Remote Work 1. Will Your Staff Be Able to Access Important Files and Information? 2. Will Your Staff Be Able to Answer Their Office Phone? 3. Will Your Staff Be Able to Virtually Meet with One Another?