Soar to Success April 2020
SOAR TO SUCCESS / Reinvention Uncensored Jill Katzenberg Jill’s mantra has always been, “It’s all about the relationship” no matter what she is doing. For the past five years, Jill has been able to not only build her business and personal relationships, but also has helped others to do the same through SendOutCards, a tool which allows a person to create a REAL card electronically and then send it, as well as a gift care and/or gift anywhere in the world for a fraction of those items store-bought. Connect with her at: https : //www. sendoutcards . com/5StarDiva ht tps : //www. l inkedin . com/ in/5stardiva/ W ho doesn’t want to be a better leader, have lasting relationships, and more profitable business? Well, for sure, we know that everyone comes to this life uniquely. Unique in many different ways, such as: 1. Religion 2. Faith 3. Beliefs This uniqueness is called our “belief windows.” Belief windows are things we believe in, down to our core; these are core values! These core values are unique to each of us, but sometimes we can have core values that are the same in some ways; this is where our belief windows overlap with other people. Core value differences can create conflict among friends, family, and relationships in general. Remembering to be respectful, kind, loving, and accepting of everyone is essential in maintaining lasting relationships. Belief Windows Quite often, having different belief windows is what makes it hard to tolerate and respect others because they don’t think and believe the sameway we do. Unfortunately, we see this throughout the world today in a big way! If people stopped trying tomake others core values and belief window the same as their own, this would end a lot of conflicts not only in our personal and business lives, but the world as a whole. At the end of the day, we know that people are the same in one respect, and that is the “desire to love and be loved.” Make sure to watch the video below where Scott and Becky Mackintosh reveal the TRUTHS to lasting relationships, equipping you to be a better leader, motivating for better and more profitable businesses and joy-filled homes.
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