Soar to Success April 2020
A s we head into a new season, are you ready for a change? I love the changing seasons because it’s always a reminder that if we aren’t changing, we get left behind! Most of us don’t like change, or perhaps are just slow to change; but change is inevitable, and it keeps us from getting stagnant. Nomatter our age, 17, 70 or anything in between, we can all make changes to feel more confident, vibrant, energized and beautiful. So what can we do tomake sure wemaintain our confidence and feel great in our own skin? When it comes toourwardrobe, there are lots of choiceswe canmake tobe sure our clothes aren’t leaving us behind or aging us. Such as, discarding favorites when they get worn out or consistently wearing our best color. There are daily choices we make to also keep us physically and mentally active along with choosing the right anti-aging products for our skin. But the true secret to growing through change and anti-aging starts in our own mind. No amount of creams, serums, or clothes will change what you think! All of us have a subconscious blueprint By Lynnette Begue-Lavery EMBRACE YOUR LIFEStyle™ ENERGY WHILE GROWING CONFIDENT
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