Soar to Success April 2020
PAT ALTVATER Small Business Ownership – COV-19 Style Elite Experts Network AFP Marketing Many small business owners today are feeling fear of the unknown, wondering how long this is going to last, how quickly the economy will rebound, if their clients will still be in business, will their own business survive, and so on. It’s normal to have these feelings, but don’t become consumed by them. Here are my suggestions for this unique time in our lives: 1. Rid your brain of the worst-case scenario. On a piece of paper write down your fears, crumple the paper and burn or throw it away; then never think about that future again! Instead, visualize how you want the future to unfold and write that down in a journal, because you are the creator of your reality. Read and visualize that often. 2. Stay in the present moment. When you notice yourself dropping down into fear, do something quickly to lift your spirits. Maybe you have a mantra you say, a song you enjoy, a gratitude list to review, a moment to visualize the future reality you want to create, or some action steps to progress your business. You’ll never get these days back; don’t waste them by worrying. 3. Remember to take time daily for self-care. Currently, there are many fabulous experts offering free trainings or tools online. You can take yoga online, listen to a meditation, watch a helpful video from a coach you admire, and so much more. 4. Ask for help if you need it. You are not alone. There are virtual meetings you can attend that provide support and give you a place to ask for help. My favorite is the National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) and my chapter, NAWBO-Cleveland. We are there for each other in positive ways. 5. Mind your mindset. I’m an advocate of taking action; find something you can do that will move your business forward. It might be as simple as updating your bio, reviewing your website and social media profiles, connecting to people on social media and having phone or zoom conversations, just to name a few. By all means, continue to market your business, BUT – do not do anything until you have first gotten yourself to a positive, enthusiastic frame of mind. If you do anything out of desperation or fear, the results will be disappointing. Feel free to reach out to me if you need support. We can get through this together.
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