Soar to Success December 15, 2019

3 Traits That Guarantee Success 2 3 When Soar to Success asked Gail Becker what three personality traits she found in most successful people, she said: 1 Passion: Every successful business owner must have some level of passion for the business or industry they are in. Plus, you must hire people who share that passion. Fearlessness. You KDYH WR RYHUFRPH IHDU to be willing to leave a FRPIRUWDEOH MRE RU WR VWDUW a new company. When someone stops taking risks and are scared to make a mistake, there is no innovation and new LGHDV EHLQJ SXW IRUWK Once you stop innovating you become the same as WKH UHVW RI WKH LQGXVWU\ Willingness to Learn: The day you stop learning is the day you need to leave the business. It is also important in hiring, QRW WR ߑ QG WKH SHUVRQ WKDW knows everything, but someone who is willing to learn on the job. KHDU ZKDW WKH\ HQMR\ ZKDW WKH\ ڕ G OLNH WR VHH PRUH RI DQG KHDULQJ ߑ UVWKDQG KRZ LPSDFWIXO LW FDQ EH IRU SHRSOH WR KDYH D KHDOWKLHU RSWLRQ WKDW WKH\ IHHO JRRG DERXW Gail Becker has created a product line that not only solves a healthy eating problem but is also about convenience and innovation. From that RULJLQDO ULVN RI VWDUWLQJ D QHZ YHQWXUH VKH KDV succeeded in producing great tasting, healthy IRRG RSWLRQV WKDW HYHU\RQH DURXQG WKH WDEOH FDQ enjoy. Listen to our podcast interview with Gail where \RX ڕ OO OHDUQ HYHQ PRUH DERXW KHU VXFFHVV DQG company. To learn more about CAULIPOWER visit and join the @CAULIPOWER community on social media