Soar to Success December 15, 2019

:DOPDUW 7DUJHW .URJHU DQG &96 ,Q WKH SDVW \HDU they have expanded their product line to include 6ZHHW 3RWD72$676 WKH ߑ UVW HYHU ژ VXSHUIRRG WRDVW ڙ PDGH IURP URDVWHG VZHHW SRWDWR VOLFHV DQG &$8/,32:(5 WRUWLOODV WKH ߑ UVW IUR]HQ YHJHWDEOH ߑ UVW WRUWLOOD RQ WKH PDUNHW 7KLV IDOO WKH\ ODXQFKHG WKHLU PRVW UHFHQW LQQRYDWLRQ EDNHG QRW IULHG chicken tenders, giving the classic chicken tender D QXWULWLRQDO PDNHRYHU ZLWK ORZHU LQ FDORULHV ZLWK OHVV IDW DQG OHVV QHW FDUEV WKDQ WKH category average. The Keys to Being Successful in the Competitive Frozen Food Industry The most competitive aisle in a grocery store is WKH IUHH]HU DLVOH 7KHUH DUH RQO\ VR PDQ\ IUHH]HUV and space is very limited. Gail believes that her ODFN RI LQGXVWU\ NQRZOHGJH ZKHQ VKH VWDUWHG ZDV both a challenge and a blessing. Because she GLGQ ڕ W NQRZ EHWWHU VKH ZDVQ ڕ W DIUDLG WR GR WKLQJV GLIIHUHQWO\ *DLO ڕ V DGYLFH LV “I think part of anyone’s success is listen to the people who do know WKH LQGXVWU\ DQG GH ߑ QLWHO\ IROORZ D VHW RI UXOHV but also don’t be afraid to break a few of your own, which I think we’ve certainly done.” 6KH DWWULEXWHV WKH UDSLG VXFFHVV RI KHU FRPSDQ\ to these three things: 1. Timing 7KH WLPLQJ ZDV SHUIHFW &RQVXPHUV ZHUH VHDUFKLQJ IRU KHDOWKLHU YHUVLRQV RI WKHLU IDYRULWH FRPIRUW IRRGV 7KHUH ZHUH RYHU FDXOL ߒ RZHU FUXVW SL]]D UHFLSHV RQ WKH LQWHUQHW EXW QRQH were being sold in retail. “The everyday working mother doesn’t have 90 minutes two or three days every week to make a pizza. I know I certainly didn’t. Our products help those mothers save time in the kitchen.” 2. Branding - The overall marketing strategy and branding resonates with the public. “We stood out in several different ways. Our packaging, the way we speak to our growing fan base, plus we didn’t and still don’t take ourselves too seriously. We have a very unique brand in a very crowded space.” 3. Product - In the same way real estate stresses, location, location, location, IRRG FRPSDQLHV IRFXV RQ WKUHH LPSRUWDQW things: Product, Product, Product. “We created a great tasting product that is embraced by more than just