Soar to Success December 15, 2019
G ail Becker spent 16 years building a career in corporate America but ultimately became disenchanted and decided she was ready to make D FKDQJH DQG SXUVXH D PRUH PHDQLQJIXO SXUSRVH 7ZR WKLQJV KDSSHQHG WKDW IXHOHG KHU GHFLVLRQ 7KH ߑ UVW ZDV WKH SDVVLQJ RI KHU IDWKHU ZKR KDG FRPH to America as an immigrant with nothing and built a small business. Gail told us, “His death made me wonder if I should do something more meaningful with my life.” In addition, Gail has two sons who were both diagnosed with Celiac Disease, an immune disease in which products that contain gluten damage the small intestine. “Over the years, I noticed that the food industry was adding a lot of junk in gluten-free food. After the death of my father, it occurred to me that it was time to develop gluten-free products Gail Becker’s CAULIPOWER Food Line is Soaring to Success
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