Soar to Success December 15, 2019

SOAR TO SUCCESS / Core Business Strategies /DXQFK 3DLG 6RFLDO 0HGLD $GV ,WèV D SD\ WR SOD\ HQYLURQPHQW on social media these days so that means supplementing organic posts with paid social ads. When crafting an engaging ad, include an eye-catching image or video, short post text, engaging short headline, direct call to action and an accurate link description. So, there you have it. You now have at your disposal the insights on how to effectively use social media to promote your events. Be sure tomeasure ZKDW ZRUNV DQG ZKDW GRHVQèW and tweak along the way so you can continue to drive sales! 8SJUDGH <RXU 6RFLDO 3URĆOHV Before you embark on a social media event promotional campaign, be sure you update \RXU VRFLDO SURĆOH SDJHV &UHDWH polished headers and thorough company descriptions and update any existing pages that include your upcoming event. &UDIW <RXU &RQWHQW &DUHIXOO\ Engagement with your posts determines how many potential event goers see your promotions, so be sure you make every post count. For maximum engagement, include images in your posts, DQG VSDFH RXW LI DSSOLFDEOH your ticket sale posts with more general industry news or lifestyle content. Make your content engaging, conversational, and not overly “salesy.” :RUNZLWK ,QćXHQFHUV Nearly 85% of marketers have plans to use some type of LQćXHQFHU PDUNHWLQJ DFFRUGLQJ to the latest statistics. Building relationships with key people in your industry who can talk up your event, can help LQćXHQFHSURVSHFWLYHDWWHQGHHV to register and be the push that results in a successful event.