Soar to Success December 15, 2019
One of the very best ways to promote an upcoming event, as well as generate excitement and anticipation, is by using social media. With several platforms to choose from, you can spread the word to various segments of your audience regardless of where they hang out online. To maximize your marketing efforts, it pays to develop a strategyaheadof timeregarding your posts. Here are 6 simple 6 Simple Steps to Use Social Media to Promote Your Events steps to help you effectively promote your event online: &KRRVH <RXU 6RFLDO 1HWZRUNV Depending on your industry and target audience, some social platforms may be more effective than others. Typically, if you can do some promotion on Facebook, Twitter, and /LQNHG,Q \RX VKRXOG EH ZHOO covered. &KRRVH <RXU (YHQW +DVKWDJ &RPH XS ZLWK D KDVKWDJ WKDWèV short, unique, and easy to understand. Once you land on an idea, stick with it because consistency is key. ,I \RX SRVW DQ\WKLQJ UHOHYDQW WR your upcoming event, include your hashtag. Be sure to add it to all of your social account bios as well. By Holly Kile
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